Forest Park Forever to Participate in First-Ever Give STL Day on May 6
Donations Will Support Forest Park’s Monarch Butterfly Habitats
Jasmine D. Evans: (314) 561-3290;
ST. LOUIS, May 2, 2014 – Forest Park Forever is teaming up with more than 500 area nonprofits to participate in Give STL Day, the region’s first-ever 24-hour online day of giving to benefit the local nonprofit community.
Organized by the Greater Saint Louis Community Foundation, Give STL Day has a special Forest Park twist: the official event headquarters on May 6 will be the Trolley Room in the Dennis & Judith Jones Visitor and Education Center. Forest Park Forever President and Executive Director Lesley Hoffarth will provide a welcome to attendees of the day’s Philanthropy Roundtable Luncheon, sponsored by the St. Louis Business Journal, Boeing and the Greater Saint Louis Community Foundation.
During Give STL Day, Forest Park Forever will be raising funds specifically to support and expand Monarch Butterfly Habitats located within Forest Park.
“We are thrilled to be taking part in Give STL Day,” said Forest Park Forever President and Executive Director Lesley Hoffarth. “Our region has such generous citizens, and it’s wonderful that the Greater Saint Community Foundation has brought us all together. Thanks to all those donors who take part, including those who support our Butterfly Habitat project here in Forest Park.”
“Give STL Day is an opportunity for our community to shine and contribute to the local nonprofits that do so much good in our area, while also providing these organizations with a visible platform from which they can spread their message and raise funds,” said Amelia Bond, president and CEO of the Greater Saint Louis community Foundation. “Collectively, Give STL Day draws attention to the needs of St. Louis nonprofits, as well as the positive things they are doing throughout the Community. It’s a win-win for everyone.”
About Monarch Butterflies in Forest Park
A Monarch Butterfly in Forest Park
Each fall, hundreds of millions of monarch butterflies migrate from the U.S. and Canada to overwintering areas in Mexico and California where they wait out the winter until conditions favor a return flight in the spring. Forest Park is an important stopping point for a portion of these millions.
The monarch migration is truly one of the world's greatest natural wonders, yet it is threatened by habitat loss in North America. Monarchs fell to their lowest numbers ever this past winter in Mexico.
To offset the loss of essential milkweeds and nectar sources from the butterflies, Forest Park Forever is committed to creating, conserving and protecting monarch habitats here in the Park. Donations to Forest Park Forever during Give STL Day will directly support our efforts to create more Monarch Habitats in Forest Park and to educate visitors about monarch conservation.
How to Give
Individuals interested in donating can donate online May 6, 2014 from 12:00 a.m. – 11:59 p.m. at or
- With a gift of $10, Forest Park Forever can plant two new milkweed plants to expand our existing Monarch Butterfly Habitats.
- With a gift of $25, Forest Park Forever can place five new coneflower plants in the Park to help attract monarch butterflies.
- With a gift of $50, Forest Park Forever can expand its Monarch Butterfly Habitats with 10 new nectar-rich plants, including milkweed, asters and goldenrod.
About Forest Park Forever
In 1986, Forest Park Forever, a private, not-for-profit organization, was founded to work in partnership with the City of St. Louis and the department of Parks, Recreation and Forestry to restore, maintain and sustain Forest Park as one of America’s great urban public parks for the enjoyment of all – now and forever.