Forest Park Forever Remembers Mary Ann Lee
Photograph by Jerry Naunheim Jr.
The Forest Park Forever family was saddened to learn of the passing of Mary Ann Lee this past Monday at the age of 90. The St. Louis Business Journal has published this obituary, and there is a special memorial website here.
Mary Ann Lee was incredibly supportive of the Park and Forest Park Forever over many years. She served on our Board of Directors from 2000 – 2008 and was named an Emeritus Member in 2009. Mary Ann was also a longtime member of the Forest Park Forever Women’s Committee. She was recognized in 2004 with our Hiram W. Leffingwell Award for her significant contributions toward the restoration and maintenance of Forest Park.
Mary Ann Lee's generosity touched not only Forest Park Forever’s annual operations, but also major capital projects here in the Park. She also generously supported the St. Louis Symphony's annual Art Hill Concert, which has become a beautiful fall tradition here in the Park, complete with fireworks following the performance.
All of us at Forest Park Forever express our condolences to Mary Ann Lee's family and our gratitude for her remarkable generosity and impact on Forest Park.