Creating a Round Lake Vista in Forest Park

With the support of the Edward K. Love Conservation Foundation, Forest Park Forever has been hard at work this year in the overgrown and undesirable habitat that currently exists at the Round Lake Vista in Forest Park’s northeast quadrant.
Working with FPF volunteers, Americorp members, Eagle Scouts and staff from Bowood Farms, our team has been transforming this area into a complex of bottomland woods, savanna and prairie habitat that will provide healthy wildlife habitat and new walking trails with a scenic view of Round Lake below.
In this natural area, the team has planted 127 young trees from the Missouri Department of Conservation, and carved out over 1,000 feet of new trails to encourage visitor enjoyment. Upcoming work includes planting 20 trees from Forest ReLeaf to assist in the creation of the savanna landscape and completing a design plan for benches and signage.
Thanks to our many members, donors and volunteers who are supporting this improvement project.