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Individual donors and supporting members sustain Forest Park for generations to enjoy. We invite you to join us in making it a wonderful experience for all.


Party like it’s Y2K on February 1 at a Forest Park Forever Trivia Night with the Young Friends of Forest Park Forever

This Event is Currently Sold Out

Join the wait list! We will let you know by Friday, January 31 if a table becomes available.

Registration, mulligans, contests and all the details can be found here. Your participation and raffle purchases support our annual maintenance of Forest Park.


Team members prepare a hole to seat the trees that are replacing the emerald ash borer-infested ash trees along Grand Drive.

Replacing Trees Affected by Emerald Ash Borer

Forest Park Forever and the City of St. Louis are coordinating to remove and replace trees in Forest Park affected by the emerald ash borer, an invasive beetle destroying millions of ash trees in North America. 

Along Grand Drive near the Visitor Center and Dwight Davis Tennis Center, the City Forestry Division has removed 41 trees while Forest Park Forever has replaced them with Wildfire Tupelo trees that will provide a beautiful experience for visitors in every season.


Fire experts control a line of fire burning through Klein Prairie in Forest Park.

Prescribed Burn Season until April 2025

It is the season for prescribed burns in Forest Park, now through April 2025.

Controlled burning is an essential management tool for Missouri's habitats and our conservancy is happy to report over a decade of successful prescribed burns in partnership with the City of St. Louis. Data our experts have collected indicates, the ability to repeatedly and consistently burn in Forest Park’s Nature Reserve contributes to the habitat’s diversity and overall good health.

Learn more about controlled burning in Forest Park.

An illustration of people of all ages enjoying splash pads, roller skating and leisure in front of Steinberg with a revitalized rooftop pavilion and gathering space

A reimagining of what Steinberg could be if activated for summer

Reimagining Steinberg Rink & Eastern Forest Park

The Forest Park Master Plan calls for Steinberg to become a year-round amenity. What could that look like? We’re partnering with the City and world-class designers on a vision that invites the community to enjoy eastern Forest Park in every season.

Learn more about the multi-year project.

Steinberg Skating Rink skating information can be found on their website.

Aerial map of Forest Park that is mostly grayscale. The Taylor Kindle river and Forest Park's many lakes are hued blue, and the flora surrounding each waterway is hued green. A box of yellow dashes contain numbers 1-4 that mark th main project sites

A map of Forest Park highlighting the waterways

East Waterways Project

The scope of this multi-year project is to complete the connection of the Park’s waterways. The third and final phase is underway, with construction all around Jefferson Lake, which will be connected to the Taylor Kindle River.

Learn more about the full project here.

Anglers take note that Jefferson Lake (3 on the map, left) is being restored and will not be stocked with trout during the 2024-25 fishing season.

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